Monday, July 26, 2010

/other blogs.

finding interesting blogs is not an easy task (as i taught) it took me a lot of time to find out some relevant blogs.

like "Talk Morocco"
where you can find a free discussion of the everyday happenings of Morocco, written by different authors who seem to know what they are doing.

another one is "This Land"
where several news are analyzed and discussed by its creator, also a nice way to keep informed on the recent top stories of north America and the world

and finally i found a blog of a past student of the course i'm taking at the moment.
this one has several interesting articles and could be a really good guideline for the project i'm starting

hopefully you'll enjoy them.


as part of the organizations and culture course i'm taking we were asked to create a blog, in order to share different opinions, research and some others.
this space is dedicated to the multicultural studies and academic discussions